Shimamoto Shozo

I would like to tell you about how some grown-up painters I know have fun. In October of this year, these painters had an exhibition at the Ohara Kaikan in Tokyo. One of them, Murakami [Saburo]̄, thought this up: he blocked the entrance to the exhibition with a huge sheet of paper so that nobody could enter. Then he ran toward it from twenty meters or so away, broke it, and went through. When I heard about it, I thought, “It is really amazing to break through a crisp sheet of paper in an instant—an act that would blow away the blues!” . . .

I know of many more mischievous acts like this. While reading, some of you must have thought, “That sounds pretty good, but I can come up with even better mischief!” If you have any ideas, I suggest you act on them.

— Shimamoto Shozo, “Let’s Make Mischief!” originally published as “Itazura o Shiasho,” Kirin, February 1956, via GUTAI: SPLENDID PLAYGROUND